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🔬Super Science

What are Theatre of Science free online lessons like?

Watch this trailer to find out!

Interactive science lesson 1: Rainbows!

The first of my interactive science lessons for 4 - 11 year olds. Find out how to make a rainbow three different ways with household objects!

WOW Science!!


This Science Site is AMAZING!

They have games, videos and apps with lots of ideas for you to try out and even better they have SOOOOO MANY exciting experiments for you to do at home! 


Look at ALL these fab things you can do at home!

Whiz Bang Pop!!!

Help your child to enjoy science at home

Whizz Pop Bang is an award-winning kids’ science magazine, bursting with hands-on experiments, facts and fun. 

They have compiled some FREE hands-on science experiments and science reading comprehensions to help you entertain, excite and educate your child at home.
