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High Five 🌈

Educational Resources & Newsletters

As a parent you probably never thought you would be teaching your children at home. Remote learning can feel a bit scary but it can be an opportunity to be creative and have fun with your children so that being at home isn’t boring for them and stressful for you.

It is important to have a routine every day.  Work out a schedule together, either in writing like a timetable or with pictures like a visual timetable, that way everyone knows what’s going to happen daily. 

Incorporate core learning times for literacy and numeracy (keep it short and sweet 20-30min blocks should work, we don’t want them to get bored!), add in break and lunchtimes, add the fun activities to do together and the times to work or play independently.  Don’t forget this is home and not school so the timing for learning is up to you!

Also if you have received work from school, use these resources and do them at the same time each day at a time when your child learns best.  If you run out of resources or learning materials, you could contact your school for more.

This is a resource pack for families in relation to staying safe physically but also emotionally and mentally at this time using the Health and Social Care Take 5 framework. The newsletter is packed with lots of suggestions linked to the five steps of wellbeing – Give, Be Active, Connect, Keep Learning, Take Notice. We would love to hear your feedback, if you want to share pictures of activities completed from the newsletter or make suggestions please email us at: 
